Beshenkovichi District Executive Committee


Investment offers

Name of the project: "Reconstruction of the hotel in the city. Beshenkovichi, Vitebsk region "

The hotel is located at: Beshenkovichi Str. Freedom, 2.

Nearby are: bus station, car parking, near the highway MZ Minsk-Vitebsk-St. Petersburg

The building is brick built in 1976. The total area of ​​the building is 1647m2.

There is central heating, running water, sewerage, electric lighting.

Residual value as of 01.01.09. is 1 11 3 521 003 rubles. Physical wear is - 24%.

Services offered:

1. Cafe for 20 seats with a bar, a banquet hall and auxiliary rooms (hot and cold shops), washing,

warehouses products, premises staff.

2. Hotel for 41 seats (4 single rooms, 15 - double rooms, 2 two-room double rooms, 1 - triple room)

3. Sauna.

4. Swimming pool.

Car parking with hard surface, fencing, 24-hour security and video surveillance system for 20 cars. The estimated estimated cost of the project is 10 billion rubles.

Offers to the investor:

The hotel is located in the center of the urban village, near the bus station, car parking, in 500 meters the Western Dvina River flows, close to the regional center -55km. near the Minsk-Vitebsk-St. Petersburg motor road, transfer to the gratuitous use with subsequent free transfer to the ownership of non-governmental legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.