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29 August 2023

Belarus set to increase exports to Angola

Belarus' Ambassador to Russia Dmitry Krutoi has met with Augusto da Silva Cunha, Ambassador of Angola to Belarus (with residence in Moscow), BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian diplomatic mission.

The parties discussed the development of political dialogue, trade and economic interaction and humanitarian cooperation, organization of mutual visits. “Dmitry Krutoi stated that Belarus considered Angola as a friend and one of the promising partners on the African continent. The Belarusian ambassador stressed that consultations between the ministries of foreign affairs of Belarus and Angola could become an impetus for the development of cooperation, which would determine further directions of bilateral interaction. Dmitry Krutoi emphasized Belarus' interest in increasing supplies of Belarusian food products, farm and mining equipment to Angola,” the press service said.

Belarus' ambassador suggested finalizing the work on a bilateral agreement to establish an intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation. “This idea was fully supported by his Angolan counterpart,” the press service said.

“The heads of the diplomatic missions of Belarus and Angola in Moscow confirmed their mutual readiness to continue work on expanding the legal framework, organizing visits of representatives of agencies and business circles, developing contacts between the countries at various levels,” the press service added.

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