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14 December 2023

Eismont names key thesis of Lukashenko's meeting to review recent overseas visits

There should be no foot-dragging while implementing the agreements that were reached during the overseas visits at the high and highest levels. It was the main point made by Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko at the meeting to review the outcomes of the visits, Press Secretary of the Belarusian president Natalya Eismont told reporters.

“The president convened a meeting to tell the government and other officials to immediately get down to implementing the agreements that were reached during the important talks abroad. The visits were extremely eventful and strenuous. The president had never left the country for so long. Everyone saw how many meetings and negotiations the president held and how many flights he took. From the Pacific to the Atlantic, as the head of state described it,” the press secretary noted.

The visits helped thrash out cooperation plans with the so-called ‘far arc' countries. Cooperation prospects with these countries seem to be very bright.

“Africa is one of the most promising markets. The president is encouraging everyone to work hard, fast and effectively,” said Natalya Eismont.

As the president noted, there are no problems in cooperation with China. “This is our strategic partner with whom we have cooperated and will continue to cooperate,” the spokeswoman said.

There is also great mutual interest in expanding cooperation with the United Arab Emirates. Not only in a bilateral format, but also as part of joint projects in Africa, as the head of state remarked.

Negotiations held by the government delegation in Uzbekistan and Vietnam were also discussed at the meeting. Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko delivered a detailed report on the outcomes of the visits.

“Belarus-Uzbekistan cooperation is about specific plans and projects. And we are reinvigorating our relations with Vietnam. Both sides are ready for this,” the press secretary of the head of state remarked.

The president emphasized that the vice premiers should be actively involved in the work, just like ambassadors and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a whole. “In general, the results have been reviewed, tasks have been set, responsibilities have been distributed. There should be no foot-dragging - this is the main point made by the president,” Natalya Eismont emphasized.

As BelTA reported, over the past two weeks Aleksandr Lukashenko visited a number of countries.

In early December, he took part in the World Climate Action Summit in the United Arab Emirates and held numerous meetings with foreign counterparts on the sidelines of this forum.

After this, the president visited China where he met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Upon returning to the UAE, the head of state met with President of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

After that, Aleksandr Lukashenko went on an official two-day visit to Equatorial Guinea and a working visit to Kenya.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko visited Uzbekistan and Vietnam where he held negotiations and meetings at various levels.

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