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10 January 2024

Lukashenko: Deep respect for native culture is a matter of national dignity

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko emphasized the importance of preserving the cultural sovereignty of the people of Belarus. He said this at the ceremony of awarding the prize "For Spiritual Revival," a special award for art and culture figures and the prize "Belarusian Sport Olympus," BelTA informs.

"We, Belarusians, are creators in our essence. We have been living with our own mind since ancient times, so we have preserved our way of life, culture and spirituality in the most difficult periods of development. This is very important. Many people today, especially our fugitives, clamor about the "occupation" of spirituality and culture. There will be no "occupation" if we show our people the masterpieces of this creativity. No one will strangle anyone for creativity. This has never happened in our modern history and will never happen. But we will not allow anyone to destroy what has been created and developed by generations of Belarusians for centuries - our traditions, our spirituality and the highest feelings are based on the past. And we must not destroy it," said the Belarusian leader.

At the same time, according to the President, Belarus is open to the world, respects the customs and traditions of other peoples, is receptive to new ideas. "But on one condition: everything that comes into our lives, the Belarusians, should resonate, correspond to our national values, spiritual world and enrich our nation’s culture," said the head of state.

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