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1 September 2023

Lukashenko: Level of national education determines the country's security and wellbeing

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has extended greetings to school and university students, postgraduates, teachers and professors as the country celebrates Knowledge Day and the start of the new academic year, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader.

“1 September is an important day of the year to all of us: all those who start their studies, who teach and who keep the warmest memories of their teachers throughout their lives,” the head of state said. “Today schools, colleges and universities of Belarus are opening their doors to almost one and a half million students. In our age the value of knowledge is constantly growing, and it is the level of national education that determines the security and wellbeing of the state. The main thing is for the youth to be brought up as true patriots and defenders of their native land, to preserve traditions and historical memory,” the head of state said.

“May every new day be filled with hard creative work and the joy of amazing discoveries,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The head of state extended special greetings to first-graders and their parents. “You, the youngest students, are starting your trip to the land of knowledge today. Believe in yourselves, and you will succeed,” he said to the first-year schoolers.

The president wished everyone a peaceful sky, strong health, patience, good luck and excellent grades.

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