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19 December 2023

Lukashenko names promising areas of cooperation with Russia's Moscow Oblast

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko named promising areas of cooperation as he met with Governor of Russia's Moscow Oblast Andrei Vorobyov on 18 December, BelTA has learned.

The head of state praised the level of mutual trade with Moscow Oblast, praising primarily the position of the region acting as a kind of a hub for further supplies to other Russian regions.

“Dealership and trade are good. They, however, are too dependent on the current state of the market,” the president said. “As an experienced person, you know well that the task of any leader is to ensure employment and wellbeing for people. To this end, we need a serious foundation which is the joint production of goods with high added value.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko named a number of areas with prospects for further interaction.

“First. You are actively engaged in road construction and public utilities. I have been briefed that you have plans to invest significant funds in the renewal of the public transport fleet and purchase Belarusian-made vehicles. Our specialists will soon determine the necessary specification together with you. I give you my word that we will do everything necessary to ensure that shipments start on schedule and we fulfill all the obligations that will be stipulated under the contract,” the president said.

Belarus' second proposal, outlined by the head of state, is related to concrete production: “I know that there are plans to set up the production of dry building mixes based on Belarusian cement in your region. I propose to add the production of concrete.” According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, this product has a higher added value. Its production can be organized in areas where large housing and road construction projects are implemented. The Belarusian Architecture and Construction Ministry is ready to work out logistics and possibilities of concrete mixing facilities location together with Moscow Oblast.

The third area is maintenance, supply of spare parts, warranty, and financial instruments. “We have a lot of experience in these areas in Russia. With the help of your region, we would like to secure a firm foothold by creating a large-scale service and logistics hub for this part of the Russian Federation,” the Belarusian leader explained.

Medical services and rehabilitation is the next area of mutual interest for the two parties, the president said. “You have shown interest in this area. You can count on us,” the Belarusian leader addressed the participants of the meeting. Many residents of Moscow and Moscow Oblast have already visited Belarusian health resorts and used the services of healthcare facilities. “We will continue to keep this level,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. The head of state emphasized reasonable prices for medical products and medicines in the country. “We should make sure that the cost of components, if we are talking about medical equipment and services, does not hit the pockets of ordinary people,” the president stressed. However, the costs of the certification of medical products in Russia are much higher than, for example, across the EAEU. The president has instructed Belarusian Ambassador to Russia Dmitry Krutoi to look into the issue.

The development of cooperation ties and new production chains to replace imported products is the fifth area discussed at the meeting. Import substitution is a priority for Moscow Oblast. More than 200 projects with a total investment of about RUB200 billion are being implemented in the region.

These tasks are also of paramount importance for the Belarusian economy, Aleksandr Lukashenko said. “We have accumulated good experience in this regard. We often discuss these issues with the president of the Russian Federation. I would like to note that we probably work best of all [in terms of import substitution development] with Moscow Oblast,” he said.

Cooperation in agriculture is also among the promising areas of joint activities. According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, Belarus and Moscow Oblast can successfully complement each other in the agro-industrial complex:

“We just need to decide on the most promising areas.”

It is no secret that Belarus is among the world leaders in exporting meat and dairy products. The country is constantly modernizing its enterprises, introducing modern technologies and equipment.

“We have opportunities to assist you in developing meat and dairy production, supplying elite seeds of Belarusian selection, high-yield fodder and premixes, and also fertilizers,” the president said. “I know that you have companies that are very successful in this respect, and their experience will be very important for us.”

The head of state also emphasized a significant potential for builders to participate in the implementation of housing, social infrastructure and road construction projects. “Our companies are ready to offer both construction services but machinery,” he stressed.

“Moscow Oblast has one of the largest scientific and technical complexes in Russia, and Belarus is interested in expanding cooperation on various issues of scientific and technical activities,” Aleksandr Lukashenko outlined another area. “I think we can develop a plan of scientific and technical cooperation, or a roadmap for cooperation between our National Academy of Sciences and Moscow Oblast.”

The head of state mentioned the development of cultural and humanitarian ties, work with the youth. “I am convinced that for the sake of the future of our peoples it is necessary to provide all opportunities for communication and mutual trips for Belarusian and Russian youth,” the president said. “Unite the young generation through joint events, long-term projects. I think you will agree with me that this is more important than ever in the current realities.”

In conclusion, the head of state emphasized Belarus' for an open substantive dialogue on all the issues outlined: “I would like to assure you that if we agree on some issues, the agreements will be fulfilled.”

According to the president, Moscow Oblast is of utmost importance for Belarus. After all, it is not only the largest region of Russia, but also a significant hub for the supplies to all other Russian regions.

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