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11 August 2023

Lukashenko seeks closer cooperation with Brazil, invites Lula da Silva to Minsk

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko invited Brazil to draw up a roadmap for the development of relations and invited Brazil President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to visit Belarus as he met with Brazilian Ambassador to Belarus Bernard Jorg Leopold de Garcia Klingl, BelTA has learned.

"If we take a close look at the Belarusian-Brazilian relations, I must say that they can be much better, both in politics and, first of all, in trade and economy. Trade and economic relations are the basis of any relationship. If we have a strong material interest and a certain connection, then both political and diplomatic relations will be built. As an ambassador, you understand this as well as I do. As a result of today's meeting, we need to agree on specific areas of our cooperation that will bring our relations to a higher level," the Belarusian leader said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said that he had a number of proposals in this regard. "I think that you will convey my proposals to the government, your parliament and, above all, President Lula da Silva. One of my main proposals that I ask you to convey to your president is that we are waiting for him in Belarus. At any convenient time for him. Better in winter. In order for him to see our winter nature. During his visit, we could finally determine the roadmap or plan for our relations. I would like to emphasize once again that the Belarusian leadership is extremely interested in this," the president said.

He emphasized the importance of the current meeting for both Belarus and Brazil.

Brazil is traditionally among the top 10 trading partners of Belarus. In 2022, the trade amounted to more than $358 million, with a $150 million surplus for Belarus. In January-June of this year alone, bilateral trade totaled $393.4 million.

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