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28 March 2024

New decree amends rules regulating sponsorships in Belarus

On 27 March, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko signed Decree No. 112 to amend the rules regulating the provision and use of gratuitous (sponsor) aid that were in force after the adoption of Decree No. 300 on 1 July 2005, BelTA learned from the press service of the head of state.

The document introduces additional restrictions on the provision of such assistance. It cannot be provided by organizations where the government has a stake of 50% or more if these organizations have overdue debts on payments to the budget, payment of wages and allowances, a net loss, and if they failed to meet the terms for providing state support.

It is also prohibited to provide gratuitous (sponsor) aid in foreign currency unless this aid is provided to healthcare organizations for the purchase of medical products and medicines abroad, to individuals who need to receive medical treatment outside the country, as well as to individuals (teams) representing Belarus in international events.

At the same time, the decree allows making donations using electronic money and tokens. It also allows using aid to reimburse expenses on maintaining industrial buildings, structures, improving amenities in populated areas. Individual religious organizations, charitable foundations, sports organizations and public associations will be able to use this aid to pay wages and cover other operational expenses.

The decree expands the range of recipients of such aid. Diplomatic missions, business associations (unions) and associations (set up to fulfill statutory tasks) will now be eligible to such aid.

The aid can now be provided for such purposes as support for organizations involved in the patriotic education of children and the youth, for individuals in need, for NGOs engaged in environmental protection, as well as the volunteer firefighting movement. 

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