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10 April 2023

Russia appreciates training conditions for its military personnel in Belarus

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu thanked Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko for providing good conditions for training of Russian military personnel in Belarus, BelTA has learned.

"I would like to extend special words of gratitude to your Defense Ministry and you personally. Belarus has granted five training grounds. They are well equipped. We have a sufficient number of instructors - officers of the Belarusian Armed Forces who are engaged in training, including of our personnel,” the minister noted. “Indeed, there is a fairly large group of forces here. Today we will consider all the issues regarding its further stay, training and, probably, expansion of the framework that you discussed together with Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin]."

As BelTA has reported, one of the key items on the agenda of the meeting was combat training and cohesion of the joint group of forces. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: "I am grateful to you that despite all the difficulties you keep several thousand Russian servicemen deployed here. We have contributed as far as necessary. Together with your officers we are training these guys, improving their combat cohesion. We train them as we should. We must keep our guards up. You can see that Poland, Lithuania are beginning to take action in our direction. Therefore, this is a good help and support for the Belarusian army, which defends the Union State on the western flank.”