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28 June 2023

"The future is yours". Why Lukashenko supports younger generation

The greatest asset of Belarus is its talented youth. They must grow professionally, their initiatives must be supported. This is the indisputable priority of state policy. In the new episode of the YouTube project "After the Fact: Lukashenko's Decisions" we will talk about values of today's youth, support for young talents in Belarus and the president's message for the new generation.

What are the main values of young people today?

There are over 1,600,000 young people aged 14 to 30 in Belarus. This is almost every sixth resident of the country. Someone will say "young people are not the same anymore..." Indeed, they are different. The Institute of Sociology conducted a survey to find out what values young people share now. 18% of the respondents named moral integrity, honor and dignity among their priorities, 15% picked up the love for the Motherland, 14% chose philanthropy and helping people. Guess what the remaining respondents said? Prosperity and money! Perhaps this is not good and not bad. Indeed, young people have become more practical, ambitious and self-confident. Although this is a certain signal for society. Eternal values should not disappear from our lives, otherwise what will we end up with?

How are gifted youth supported in Belarus?

Everything has an explanation. The mid 1990s was not the best time to pursue a career in science or art. They didn't seem prestigious at all. Young people sought to go abroad in search of a better life. The president made a decision to redress the situation and retain promising personnel at home. In 1996, Belarus established a special presidential fund for the social support of gifted students and a special presidential fund for the support of talented youth. The country has also established a network of secondary educational institutions of a new type: gymnasiums, lyceums, gymnasium-college educational complexes, more than a thousand schools with advanced study of individual subjects.

“We have set up two powerful funds to support talented young. There are thousands of them in Belarus. We want them, as they grow up in some ten years, to travel around the world demonstrating their achievements. Being citizens of their country, they will become the best representatives of "people's diplomacy" and, together with athletes, will multiply the glory of our state. It is thanks to them that our Belarus will be respected. The policy in culture will continue to focus on supporting talents who honestly serve their people,” the head of state said as he addressed the Belarusian People's Assembly in May 2001.

The president's special funds give young people a start in life. Being financially rewarded for their achievements, schoolchildren, students and creative teams feel the support of the state, their relevance. And it's "not just about money." Winning a scholarship from the president's special fund is like getting a thumbs up. A thumbs up not only from the family and friends but the entire state. This is recognition at the highest level. This is always inspiring.

“The support of the state had an impact on my life and I chose the path of serving the state and the people. As a lawyer, it is important for me to give back. This is an opportunity to prove yourself, to help people. 2017 was a landmark year for scientists. By the decision of the Belarusian president, it was declared the Year of Science which culminated in the 2nd Congress of Scientists. I have warm recollections of that day. The congress was a landmark event with the participation of the Belarusian president which I had the honor to attend. It was important for me to hear firsthand how science would develop. My wife gave birth to our daughter on that day. For our family, that was a big day,” said Artyom Pukhov, a fellow of the president's fund, Deputy Director of the Research Center for Law and Order at the Prosecutor General's Office of Belarus

What benefits are talented young people entitled to?

The fund finances conferences, seminars, Olympiads, participation in international competitions and exhibitions. Today, young people who have excelled in studies, sports, and social activities are entitled to a number of other privileges. These can be preferential admissions to universities or vocational training colleges, the provision of accommodation, the right to choose a job offer during the first job mandatory placement. Aleksandr Lukashenko received an increased scholarship for his good academic performance when he was a student. The future president would take part-time jobs. Maybe that's why he sometimes chides the youth for being too laid back.

“I would work late at night unloading wagons with other guys. If you want to earn money, you have to work hard,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he visited Vavilov Minsk Mechanical Plant in Minsk26 August 2022. He called on young people to use phones less, and to reclaim this time for self-fulfillment and search for opportunities to make money. “A phone should be used for work. It is okay to use it when necessary. But it will not do your work instead of you...”

Not many young Belarusians want and are willing to work for the good of their state, Aleksandr Lukashenko said during a working trip to Vetka District, Gomel Oblast in April this year. “Some young Belarusians think that ‘apples and pears grow in the internet'. “They keep poking their phones and expect everything to drop from the sky tomorrow. We've spoiled them extremely. They say our young people are so good, so amazing! Yes, they are. But they don't want to work and they don't know how. They will not be able to hold the country together,” he stressed.

The president keeps abreast largely thanks to his own children and grandchildren. Do you remember how the youngest son Nikolai took his father aback when he told him about threats on the internet and the Darknet?

“At breakfast, I ask [the youngest son Nikolai - Sputnik]. He broke it down to me how anyone can find information about drugs and weapons. I thought: if this kid, who is far from all this, knows about it, then what about others? Countries must join forces to combat terrorism, including threats posed by the global network,” the Belarusian president said at the international conference o the fights against terrorism in Minsk in September 2019.

Why does Lukashenko always listen to wishes of young Belarusians?

The president always listens to what the youth has to say. Young Belarusians know it, therefore they do not hesitate to ask questions and put forward their ideas. They know that they can talk with Lukashenko “on an equal footing”, he will never turn down a selfie request or refuse to discuss a problem. A couple of years ago, when the president visited Belarusian State University, a student suggested instituting a new holiday - the Day of Belarusian Students. The head of state supported the initiative. Now the last Sunday of June is the day of youth and students. The history behind Father's Day is similar.

“I promise to consider the idea to institute Father's Day. This is also in my interests. I think the idea is not bad. You are right when you say that we somehow overlooked this. Women's Day, Mother's Day – we, men, go to extraordinary lengths trying to please you. I honestly don't know if you ever return the favor,”Aleksandr Lukashenko said in his Address to the Belarusian People and the Parliament.

Youth policy in Belarus

The Youth Parliament consists of volunteers, but it makes a meaningful contribution to state affairs. The young people assist the National Assembly in matters of youth policy. For example, they participate in the development of legal acts and government programs.

“Today, it is important to consider raising the cap on the age of young people to 35 years. We deem it important and we want to push this idea through the lower house of parliament and get it adopted at the highest level. It is very gratifying that young people care about public health matters. They support the idea to ban electronic nicotine delivery systems in Belarus, toughen punishment for drug dealing and, introduce responsibility for distorting history, promoting LGBT culture, if it can be called culture,” said Nikita Rachilovsky, Chairman of the Youth Parliament.

Why a fresh look is needed in public administration

A fresh look is needed in all areas. How can a country do without young leaders? We have such people. We have young, promising company heads and ministers. That was the president's decision.

“My task is to bring a new generation of people to power before I step down and transfer my powers to another elected leader. You are ambitious, like we once were. You may be even better informed and better adapted to the reality of today. At least, I would like to think so. Your determination is what makes you different.

You have more determination than the average mature civil servant. As I have already said, some of them no longer show any signs of activity and have dropped off the radar. And you are forward-looking. You want to revolutionize something, create something, do something. When I was nominated for presidency at 38, I was determined to rise to the challenge, to provide people with food and clothing, to do something for the country. Had I not had this determination, I would have failed. This is what distinguishes young people from the rest, Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the Academy of Public Administration in October 2019.

“I've got interested in parliamentary activities, and I would like to continue working in this area. This is very interesting for me. My colleagues and I like to work directly with members of the National Assembly: the House of Representatives and the Council of the Republic. I would like to continue this work at a higher level. I would like my work to benefit the country. All MPs deserve utmost respect. I would like to mention Dmitry Baskov, Oleg Romanov, Igor Karpenko. These are the leaders who are deeply involved in the processes taking place in society,”Nikita Rachilovsky said.

Lukashenko's address to the youth

Society's evolution or degradation depend on the youth. Youthful idealism is welcome. It should focus on the positive agenda in the first place.

“You are welcome to implement any event you want in Belarus. I mean any event that does not contradict the law or the rules of our state. We will consider any proposal taking into account the resources and time we have. Any event. Make your suggestions. I am very receptive in this regard, especially when it comes to our young people,”Belarus' president said at the open lesson “Historical memory - the road to the future” on 1 September 2022.

Times are changing, traditions stay the same. For example, the New Year's Ball at the Palace of Independence and the National Ball of University Graduates. Such memories stay with people forever. The best university graduates from all over the country gathered in Minsk for the ball this time as well. It was not some kind of a routine event with protocol speeches. The ball had a new format featuring a musical and a laser show, and great photo zones under the open sky. The president attended the event as well.

Parents of university graduates, perhaps, could have only dreamed about such a thing. Many may say that everything comes easy to the youth today. This seems so only at first glance however. Each generation has its own challenges. For the current one, this is another wave of global turbulence. You should not wait where it will take you. You need to follow your course.

“Anything involving risks also offers a huge opportunity. For you, they are primarily associated with personal and professional growth. For the country it is important to integrate into a new model, whatever way the world goes, not to be left on the sidelines, to strengthen its positions in the international arena. Young people play the most important role in this process. The future is certainly yours. The stability of our economy will depend on your competence and diligence. Love for the native land, respect for traditions, historical memory will become a guarantee not only for preserving the nation but also strengthening the role and voice of our Belarus in the global international arena,” the president said at the National Ball of University Graduates in June 2022.

Young Belarusians' attitude to historical memory

Let us go back to where we started. Statistics. How does the current generation treat historical memory? They do it as they were taught and explained. Respect for the heroic past must be instilled in young people. The topic of the Great Patriotic War is important for the Belarusian youth. The recent survey of the Institute of Sociology testifies to this. The survey showed that for the majority of young people aged 18 to 31, the Great Patriotic War is, first of all, a tragic event and the victory in it is an indisputable feat of the Soviet people. This means young Belarusians know the history of their country and are proud of their ancestors. Isn't it the foundation for the future?

“If you want to be a success in life, you need to do everything in time and in this case you will not have to redo anything. Do not feel sorry for yourselves. You are very young. As one of my friends said: children and young people should be encouraged to do as much as they can. At your age, the world is your oyster. As you will be growing up, things will be getting more difficult. Your whole life is ahead of you. Everything is in your hands. Make the country strong,”Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the awards' ceremony for university graduates in 2023.