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17 January 2024

Updated National Security Concept and Military Doctrine of Belarus to be submitted to All-Belarusian National Congress for approval

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko is holding a meeting of the Security Council to consider two major documents of strategic planning - drafts of the National Security Concept and Military Doctrine of Belarus, BelTA informs.

According to the head of state, the importance of the event is also due to the fact that the new Constitution provides for the approval of both documents by the All-Belarusian National Congress.

The key directions of transformation of modern risks, challenges and threats in the sphere of national security are quite detailed in the concept and Military Doctrine, the head of state said. "And many of the estimates and forecasts laid down there are already coming true," drew attention of the Belarusian leader.

The President cited the situation in the Middle East as an example. "This is a terrible humanitarian catastrophe. Please note that threats to use nuclear weapons sounded almost immediately after the escalation of the conflict. And, as it usually happens, there were no sanctions from the "civilized" West. Duty statements, as if nothing had happened," the head of state said. - Unfortunately, we have returned to the times when military force became the main argument in building interstate relations."

As for the draft of the new Military Doctrine, it fully takes into account the cardinal changes taking place in the military-political environment.

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