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SPE "Belkotlomash" LLC

Address: 211361 year. Beshenkovichi Str. Builders, 10

Tel: (02131) 4-27-61, fax (0212) 96-22-94



SPE "Belkotlomash" LLC is a company with more than 25-year history and experience in the field of energy, production and design of thermal energy-saving equipment.

It was founded in 1989, and today it is a successful production, highly qualified employees and a powerful production base in the Republic of Belarus.

Scientific and production infrastructure of the enterprise includes the most modern equipment and allows producing, efficient boiler equipment that meets European standards.

The company pays special attention to the development of biomass burning technology. Working in this area, NPP "Belkotlomash" actively adheres to the policy in the field of environmental safety, develops solutions for efficient heat energy production with environmental protection.

The production program includes the production of more than 60 types of boilers with a thermal output ranging from 100 to 15,000 kW.

The company implemented the quality management system STB ISO 9001-2009. All the equipment supplied meets the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union.

Due to the high quality of the products, the company is export oriented and has orders from Russia and the near abroad.

UKP Housing and Communal Services "Beshenkovichi Communal"

Legal address: 211361, Vitebsk region, the town of Beshenkovichi, ul. Uritsky, 102

Director Igor G. Slivets

Tel .: 8 (02131) 42150

Reception: (02131) 41665


Unitary communal enterprise of housing and communal services "Beshenkovichi communal" - one of the largest industrial enterprises of Beshenkovichi district.

The main activities of the enterprise are the production of thermal energy by independent boiler houses, supplying the population with hot water, repairing the housing stock and internal engineering networks, and improving the territory of the district.