Beshenkovichi Regional Executive Committee

Address: 13, Chuklaya Street,
Beshenkovichi, 211361

8 (02131) 6-42-45


Main / News / Region


14 April 2023
On Saturday, April 15, V. Grishan, deputy chairman of the district executive committee, will be in touch with residents of the suburbs. You can ask your questions to Viktor Edmundovich from 9:00 to 12:00 by calling the "direct line" 6-40-66.
11 April 2023
Today, April 11, the sowing campaign in the Vitebsk region has officially started.   The first grains of the future harvest of the Vitebsk region fell into the ground in one of the tracts of the UE "Zubrevichi-Agro" of the Orsha region. The ceremony was attended by Chairman of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Alexander Subbotin, as well as heads of districts of the Vitebsk region.
22 March 2023
Vitebsk joined the large-scale national motor rally dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Khatyn tragedy More than 100 representatives of Vitebsk Oblast will take part in the national rally "Khatyn in my heart", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Khatyn tragedy. Today motor rallies have started from all regions of the country and are heading to Minsk Oblast.
14 March 2023
Today, March 14, as part of the preventive action "Chair, booster and seat belt, it will be a safe day!" Bezhkovichi state traffic inspectors held an arrangement meeting with drivers transporting children along the route "Home-School-Home". Particular attention was paid to the use of seat belts while driving. The outfitting of the buses and the technical condition were also checked.
6 March 2023
The sale of tickets for the concerts of the 32rd edition of the international arts festival Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk was launched in Vitebsk on 6 March.
28 February 2023
Dmitry Perepilitsyn, a student of Beshenkovichi Children's Art School, a student of the 11th grade of M. Tkachenko secondary school No.2 of s. Beshenkovichi, became a laureate of the national contest "the Peace in the Soul is the Peace in the Country", arranged by the NGO "Belarusian Peace Fund" together with the Ministry of Education and Information with the blessing of Patriarch Veniamin. In total, more than 700 children from Vitebsk oblast took part in the competition. Our young...
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