Beshenkovichi Regional Executive Committee

Address: 13, Chuklaya Street,
Beshenkovichi, 211361

8 (02131) 6-42-45


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Oblast Archive

11 August 2011
BRASLAV DISTRICT, 11 August (BelTA) –Tourism and agricultural industry should become priority avenues for Braslav District, chairman of the State Control Committee of Belarus Alexander Yakobson said as he met with the personnel of Mayak Braslavsky production cooperative on 11 August, BelTA has learned. Tourism industry in Braslav District should generate a considerable part of the gross regional product. In order to attract investors it is essential to develop the infrastructure, i.e. to...
9 August 2011
MINSK, 9 August (BelTA) – The Braslav Lakes National Park and Vygonoshchanskoye Wildlife Reserve can qualify for the status of the wetland of international importance (Ramsar status), Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of Belarus Anatoly Lis told a press conference. Specialists of the Ministry of Environment and the National Academy of Sciences have already prepared a letter of application to the Ramsar Bureau. All necessary prerequisites are in place for the reserve and...
9 August 2011
MINSK, 9 August (BelTA) – Belarus will soon hold talks with Chinese companies on raising investments into Orsha Linen Mill, Chairman of Bellegprom Concern Gennady Vyrko told reporters on 9 August, BelTA has learnt. The financing of the company’s upgrade was discussed at a session of the Presidium of the Council of Ministers of Belarus on 9 August. “A Chinese delegation is to arrive in Belarus from 11 to 20 August to discuss the investments into the development of Orsha Linen Mill and...
9 August 2011
VITEBSK, 9 August (BelTA) – Two Georgian citizens who made an attempt to cross the Belarus-Lithuania border illegally were banned entry to Belarus, BelTA learned from spokesman for the Polotsk border patrol Denis Glebko. Belarusian and Lithuanian border guards detained two Georgians: a man born in 1974 and a woman born in 1989. Both trespassers were planning to cross the border in Braslav District and seek political asylum in Europe, Denis Glebko said. According to the spokesman, this is...
8 August 2011
VITEBSK, 8 August (BelTA) – Glubokoye Dairy has been awarded Kosher certification for the production of condensed milk, BelTA learnt from the company. Certification confirms high quality and purity of the products the company uses. The document provides the dairy with an opportunity to supply condensed milk to Israel. The company has already received the first orders for kosher condensed milk. The quality of the Glubokoye Dairy products has been also confirmed by a number of other...
4 August 2011
VITEBSK, 4 August (BelTA) – Resident companies of the free economic zone Vitebsk exported nearly $100 million worth of commodities in January-June 2011, 31% up from H1 2010, representatives of the FEZ Vitebsk administration told BelTA. In January-June 2011 the trade turnover of FEZ Vitebsk totaled $188.3 million, over 22% up from H1 2010. FEZ Vitebsk’s foreign trade surplus stood at $7.6 million. The import of raw materials and components exceeded $90 million, 13.6% up from H1 2010. CIS...