Beshenkovichi Regional Executive Committee

Address: 13, Chuklaya Street,
Beshenkovichi, 211361

8 (02131) 6-42-45


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Oblast Archive

17 February 2011
VITEBSK, 17 February (BelTA) – In 2010 the export of Vitebsk Oblast (oil and oil products not included) rose 32% over 2009 to $1.5 billion, the import increased 18% to $1 billion. The foreign trade surplus totaled $500 million, Deputy Chairman of the Economy Committee of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Konstantin Cherny told a briefing to review the foreign economic activity of the region in 2010, BelTA has learnt. The growth of export is attributed to the increase in the supplies...
16 February 2011
LIOZNO, 16 February (BelTA) – The Year of Enterprise will open vast opportunities for businessmen in Vitebsk Oblast, Vitebsk Oblast Governor Alexander Kosinets told BelTA on 16 February. In his view, Belarus’ efforts to promote private initiative and adoption of Directive No 4 will increase the number of people involved in SMEs in Vitebsk Oblast from 110,000 to 200,000 in 2015. The share of entrepreneurs in the gross regional output will rise from 7.8% to 15%. The oblast will make...
16 February 2011
LIOZNO, 16 February (BelTA) – The Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee has submitted a proposal to set up a linen-processing holding company to the government, BelTA learnt from Deputy Vitebsk Oblast Governor Vladimir Novatski. The future holding is expected to bring together Orsha Linen Mill, other flax processing plants and linen farms in Belarus, the Linen Institute under the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, clothing companies Znamya Industrializatsii (Vitebsk) and Svitanak...
15 February 2011
VITEBSK, 15 February (BelTA) – The Belarusian State Agricultural Academy (BSAA) is opening an affiliate at the Agrarian College run by the Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. The college is located in Luzhesno, Vitebsk District. The relevant decision was made by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Head of the Education Directorate of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Ivan Shchurok said at a session of the directorate on 15 February, BelTA has learnt. In the 2011-2012...
15 February 2011
VITEBSK, 15 February (BelTA) – Schools in Vitebsk Oblast need 156 teachers of foreign languages, head of the education department of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Ivan Shchurok said at a session of the department on 15 February. Despite the fact that the schools in the region are fully staffed this year, they still need more foreign language teachers. As of today, teachers work 30 hours a week on average, while some of them work overtime. Ivan Shchurok said that it is not...
11 February 2011
VITEBSK, 11 February (BelTA) – In 2010 the export of the resident companies of the free economic zone Vitebsk totaled more than $140 million (more than 25% against 2009), BelTA learnt from the administration of the FEZ. Exports to CIS accounted for 90% of the overall export volume (exports to Russia were more than 80%). Apart from that, the FEZ residents traded with companies from Germany, the United States, Austria, Lithuania and Latvia. The FEZ resident companies imported $124.3 million...