Beshenkovichi Regional Executive Committee

Address: 13, Chuklaya Street,
Beshenkovichi, 211361

8 (02131) 6-42-45


Main / News / Oblast


28 June 2024
At a plenary session in Novopolotsk on 27 June the participants of the Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia discussed how innovations can help Belarus and Russia achieve technological independence, BelTA has learned. The discussion was held on the premises of the Polymir plant of Naftan. The participants of the event studied samples of innovative products of Belarusian petrochemical enterprises. Business entities of the two states signed RUB6 billion worth of contracts to supply...
27 June 2024
During his visit to China, Belarus’ Deputy Prime Minister Pyotr Parkhomchik took part in the opening ceremony of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Forum on Traditional Medicine in Nanchang in China’s southern Jiangxi Province, BelTA learned from the press service of the Industry Ministry. A reminder, the deputy prime minister is on a visit to China on 25-28 June. He leads the Belarusian delegation that includes senior officials of the Industry Ministry and heads of large...
26 June 2024
Belarus and China are developing friendly relations, and the friendship of the leaders of the countries Aleksandr Lukashenko and Xi Jinping serves as the basis for strengthening Belarusian-Chinese cooperation, Party Secretary of Peking University Hao Ping said at a meeting between Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko and representatives of other Chinese universities on 25 June, BelTA has learned. The Chinese guest highlighted the close friendly relations between Alexander Lukashenko...
25 June 2024
A total of 103,441 foreign nationals have visited Belarus without visas since 1 January 2024, BelTA has learned from the State Border Committee. These included 46,346 citizens of Lithuania, 26,694 citizens and 7,875 non-citizens of Latvia, and 22,526 citizens of Poland. Since the launch of the visa-waiver program, Belarus has welcomed a total of 904,047 visitors, including 541,557 citizens of Lithuania, 211,495 citizens and 63,990 non-citizens of Latvia, and 87,005 citizens of Poland....
24 June 2024
A parade unit of the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan has arrived in Belarus, BelTA learned from the Defense Ministry. Uzbekistan's military personnel will take part in the Independence Day parade in Minsk on 3 July. This year the Independence Day celebrations will coincide with the 80th anniversary of the country's liberation from the Nazi invaders. The day before, an aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces landed in Belarus. Russian military aircraft will take part in the air parade. The...
21 June 2024
Over 15 international delegations visited the international expo of security industry “National security. Belarus 2024”. Deputy State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus Aleksandr Rakhmanov made the statement before the 4th international applied science conference on the main directions for improving the national security system, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Rakhmanov said: “Today’s international applied science conference organized by the State Secretariat of the...
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