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12 March 2022

Agenda of Belarus parliament session to include 13 issues

The agenda of the next session of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus includes 13 issues, Chairman of the Standing Commission on State Construction, Local Government and Regulations of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus Valentin Semenyako told the media on 11 March, BelTA has learned.

“Despite the fact that the intersession period was quite short, the standing commissions have done quite a lot of work on the agenda of the next session. In particular, the proposed draft agenda contains 13 issues, 12 of which are related specifically to bills. A number of bills on criminal liability, the donation of blood and its components, main road transportation, waste management will be given the first reading. Two bills will be considered in the second reading. A number of bills, proposed for consideration, deal with the ratification of international agreements and treaties,” said Valentin Semenyako. 

According to the MP, the draft laws submitted for the agenda of the session are ready for consideration and have been coordinated with all stakeholders and approved by the commissions of the House of Representatives. 

“There are currently about 30 bills in the works. They will be included in the agenda as soon as they are ready. Of course, a number of bills will be introduced by ministries and agencies in the working order in accordance with the plan of legislative activity for the current year,” he stressed. 

The MPs will have to consider a large number of laws in connection with the latest amendments to the Constitution. “There are about 100 such bills at present. I think that their number will increase as lawmaking activity continues. Special attention is given to the law on the Belarusian National Congress, the National Assembly, the Electoral Code, the law on the status of an MP and member of the Council of the Republic. This is quite a big job. We also need to transfer a number of norms in accordance with the requirements of the updated Constitution, the president's decrees and ordinances into the current legislation. This big volume of work needs to be completed by March 2024,” Valentin Semenyako added. 

The eighth session of the House of Representatives will kick off on 15 March.

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