Beshenkovichi Regional Executive Committee

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16 September 2022

Belarusian defense minister emphasizes openness, defensive nature of latest army exercise

Belarusian army units are trained primarily to defend the country. Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin made the statement at a solemn closing ceremony of the latest command and staff exercise, BelTA has learned. 

Viktor Khrenin said: “Despite the complicated military and political situation evolving around our country we've held a command and staff exercise and finished it today. It is the pinnacle of training of command and control bodies and army units. The main purpose of the exercise was not to demonstrate something to someone but primarily train our command bodies and army units something that is necessary during a war.”

The defense minister went on saying that the command and control system had to live up to higher standards during the exercise. He said: “Now we have to thoroughly think about it, analyze and look at things. We set out to achieve research goals during the exercise. We need to find out whether we've chosen the right vector for developing the Armed Forces.”

According to Viktor Khrenin, one can already say the exercise had produced positive results. Primarily with regard to the command and control system. Viktor Khrenin is convinced it is necessary to come up with new forms and methods for using command bodies in the course of training events. It has to be done bearing in mind new capabilities – reconnaissance ones and combat ones.

The official said: “We will continue moving ever forward. As another peculiarity of the exercise I can say that we've once again demonstrated our openness by inviting military attachés of 14 countries. Including those, which regretfully pursue an unfriendly policy towards Belarus. We've demonstrated that we train the Armed Forces primarily for the sake of protecting our country. The hype raised by unfriendly mass media can be seen only as provocation and nothing else. It is part of the information war launched against our country. I'd like to state that our Armed Forces will always carry out missions set by our head of state and our nation.”
