Beshenkovichi Regional Executive Committee

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Main / News / Oblast /
2 November 2021

COVID-19 hospitalizations down by 10% in some Belarusian regions

The number of hospital admissions of COVID-19 patients has dropped by 10% in some regions of Belarus, Head of the Main Healthcare Delivery Department of the Healthcare Ministry of Belarus Aleksei Shcherbinsky told reporters, BelTA has learned.

“As for the overall downward trend, I want to say that it would be premature to draw conclusions in the country as a whole, nevertheless, the pandemic vector begins to change. In general, the past 7-9 days saw a decrease in the number of hospitalizations by 2-10% depending on the region,” Aleksei Shcherbinsky said.

According to him, “the biggest challenge for the healthcare system today are severe or moderately severe cases, that is, people who need hospitalization”.

The department head noted that when the number of cases just started to go up, plans were already in place how to reverse the re-purposed healthcare facilities back to routine operations. These plans began to be implemented. “Naturally, the current epidemiological is taken into account. I mean, we analyze daily trends in the number of new confirmed COVID-19 cases, weekly statistics, and based on this, we take decisions,” Aleksei Shcherbinsky said.

In particular, the cancer centers in Mogilev and Brest no longer have ‘the red zones', “things are getting better at the Minsk cancer center”, he said. In Brest Oblast and Gomel Oblast, district-level facilities are involved in provision of tertiary routine care.

All the national research centers continue to provide advanced tertiary routine medical care. Such medical services are also available at the regional level.

Aleksei Shcherbinsky added that the delta strain remains dominant in Belarus.

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