Beshenkovichi Regional Executive Committee

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28 September 2022

Minister: Belarus should call to friendship between nations via sport and tourism

Belarus should call for friendship between the nations through sport and tourism, Belarusian Sport and Tourism Minister Sergei Kovalchuk said at the opening of the 2nd International Scientific Conference on the World Tourism Day, BelTA has learned.

 “All the events that have taken place over the past two years have pushed us to rethink the format and nature of travels, the choice of routes and places to visit. Belarus is always open to visitors from all over the world and is ready to show true Belarusian hospitality, natural and cultural diversity, the beauty of cities and colorful villages, the achievements of modern industry, presented as part of the Belarusian tourist product. This includes historical, cultural, sports, health, rural and other types of tourism, which can surprise the most sophisticated travelers,” said Sergei Kovalchuk.

 In his opinion, the situation in the world is now in a turbulent phase - usual traditions and foundations are being destroyed, with global and hard-to-predict changes taking place in the modern system of international relations. All these changes directly affect Belarus, which requires a rapid response to new challenges. The minister said that the development of tourism becomes more relevant at the moment due to the external pressure. “Through sport and tourism we should encourage other countries to have a peaceful foreign policy and promote friendship between nations. Sport and tourism should encourage people to unite, communicate, and develop mutually beneficial cooperation. Today both Belarus and all the CIS countries have something to show and take pride in,” said Sergei Kovalchuk.

 The minister added that these areas should also be developed within the framework of the SCO and BRICS. “In addition, the countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America are ready for this cooperation. The main thing for us is to build the right relationships and invite them to us. Development should take place only in joint interaction,” the minister said.

 The conference also highlighted issues of the potential of historical and cultural heritage in tourism activities, the features and prospects of development of various types of tourism in Belarus, the current state and potential of tourism infrastructure, opportunities for international and cross-border tourism, modern technologies in the tourism industry and hospitality, training of professional staff for domestic tourism and local history activities.

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