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25 August 2022

Need to improve Belarusian university admission system explained

The existing centralized testing system does not always properly evaluate prospective university students despite all the steps taken to improve it. This is why approaches to changing the system for the better should be worked out soon. Head of the Belarus President Administration Igor Sergeyenko made the statement at a session of the administration's board, BelTA has learned.

Igor Sergeyenko said that during the government conference held on the previous day to discuss the development of the national education system Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that it is necessary to work out a clear, transparent, and understandable system for university admission. Because grain harvest, industrial performance, import substitution, and many other things will depend on the future university graduates. “Instructions were given for us to once again look into the matter by the next year under the aegis of the Belarus President Administration. But we understand that it has to be done much faster. We have to once again take a close look at the problem and make up our minds on whether the current centralized testing system should be preserved or whether it should be changed and suggested in the format that is supposed to come into effect starting next year or whether some other innovations should be introduced. The head of state stressed that we have to see graduates in the course of the university admission campaign. The existing centralized testing system, which has been in place for 20 years and to which all of us have grown accustomed, does not allow it despite all the innovations to improve the system,” the official said.

In his words, a lot of work has to be done. A powerful brainstorm has to be arranged not only within the framework of today's board session, which gathered the education minister, heads of municipal authorities, regional education offices, and local practitioners. But on the whole, by engaging a broad range of specialists, parents, and pedagogues it will be necessary to soon determine and submit proposals on what the system to select the best school graduates, who intend to seek higher education, should be.

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