Beshenkovichi Regional Executive Committee

Address: 13, Chuklaya Street,
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Main / News / Oblast /
21 July 2023

Plans to adopt Minsk Oblast's approach to dairy complex construction across entire country

Minsk Oblast's example of how a dairy complex should be built will be adopted across the entire country. Belarusian Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo mentioned it during a conference held at premises of the newly built dairy complex Bolshiye Novoselki of Borisov Bread Products Company, BelTA has learned.

Igor Brylo noted: “Borisov Bread Products Company could have built a more expensive complex but they came up with the optimal variant that we are going to adopt across the entire country. It is the cheapest variant with the newest equipment. One cattle stall here costs slightly more than Br10,000.”

According to the agriculture and food minister, the entire complex for 800 head of milking herd cost slightly more than Br8 million thanks to the availability of the company's in-house civil engineering division. The complex was commissioned within ten months while the standard construction time is 15 months. “It is important that the agricultural enterprise has plenty of cattle and heifers have already been placed in one of the barns. The complex will be packed with animals soon and will start operating at full designed capacity,” the official added.

Over 1,500 dairy complexes operate in Belarus. Tie-up housing is used to keep cattle at another 1,717 farms. This is why it is necessary to decrease the number of the old farms as much as possible within the next five years because modern complexes can produce about 7.5 tonnes of milk per cow per annum, Igor Brylo noted.

Igor Brylo went on saying: “We intend to commission about 100 complexes across all regions per year in order to transition the milking herd to new technologies.”

The agriculture and food minister also noted that this year harvest varies from region to region. Minsk Oblast and Vitebsk Oblast have been affected by the drought particularly badly. Some regions will get as much harvest as they did last year. “We estimate the harvest shortage at about 1 million tonnes in granary weight terms. However, we have about 1 million tonnes in leftovers from previous years. This year's yield is slightly lower but we shouldn't worry: we will do our best to feed cattle and put bread on people's tables,” Igor Brylo concluded.