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16 April 2015

Pskov company to open Fast and Tasty catering network in Vitebsk

Pskov-based Stimul plans to open a public catering network Fast and Tasty in Vitebsk. It is one of the agreements reached during a business matchmaking session held as part of the international forum Innovations. Investments. Prospects held in Vitebsk, BelTA learnt from Director of the Vitebsk Oblast Marketing Center Irina Makarenko.

The producer of natural juice suggested opening a public catering network in Vitebsk to use the company’s ready-to-cook food. The parties are expected to work out an investment project in the near future and submit it for consideration to the oblast authorities. Besides, the director of the Pskov company met with director of OAO Vitebsk Horticultural Factory to discuss cooperation in the delivery of Vitebsk pureed carrot for Pskov’s Stimul.

According to Irina Makarenko, the Vitebsk forum gave investors and consumers an opportunity to get familiar with the projects, products and services Vitebsk companies offer. Some of the participants of the forum made agreements on long-term cooperation. For example, the Slovak company ARTSTAV held talks with Belarus’ Stroytorgservis on designing modern wooden roof structures and supplying timber materials. Slovaks also discussed cooperation with OAO Vitebskproyektrestavratsiya and Vitebsk House Building Factory. The Czech company EVC and the Vitebsk company of boilers and heat networks reached a preliminary agreement on cooperation in supplies of component parts and the organization of an assembly plant to produce pellet and straw burning boilers. The Czech Republic also discussed joint production with Belkotlomash.

The Fund of Guarantee and Entrepreneurship Promotion of Pskov Oblast, during the meeting with representatives of Vitebsk travel agencies, expressed interest in developing cooperation in business tourism. The Sport and Tourism Department of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee received an invitation to attend the Tourism Development in Regions conference in Daugavpils slated for 24-25 April 2015. Irina Makarenko is confident that all the abovementioned examples prove the region to be a promising partner in many areas as well as stress the importance of holding large-scale presentation events.