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29 May 2015

Vitebsk to host international symposium on advanced materials

Scientists from 10 countries will gather in Vitebsk to discuss the prospects of using advanced engineering and functional materials, BelTA learnt from the Institute of Applied Acoustics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

The international symposium, Promising Materials and Technology, will gather in Vitebsk over 130 participants from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Vietnam and the Republic of Korea on 27-29 May. Academicians, corresponding members, doctors and candidates of science, postgraduates and candidates for a master’s degree will present 35 reports and 99 informational stands.

The symposium will highlight modern research in the manufacturing sector, material application and processing, new synthesis and processing technologies, modern exploration tools.

The first international conference, Promising Materials and Technology, was held in Vitebsk in 2008. The conference served as a basis for establishing permanent scientific contacts between scientists of different countries on modern material sciences. Over the time the event has been attended by more than 500 leading scientists from different countries.

The symposium is organized by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the Interstate Coordination Council for the Physics of Strength and Plasticity of materials, the Education Ministry, the Belarusian Fund of Fundamental Research, the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee, the Vitebsk State Technological University, the Institute of Applied Acoustics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.