Beshenkovichi Regional Executive Committee

Address: 13, Chuklaya Street,
Beshenkovichi, 211361

8 (02131) 6-42-45


Republic Archive

23 September 2012
MINSK, 23 September (BelTA) – According to the data available at 10h00 on 23 September, the turnout in the 2012 parliamentary elections in Belarus made up 27.6%, Chairperson of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Belarus Lidia Yermoshina told BelTA. An estimated 27.5% of votes have been so far cast in Brest Oblast, 31.2% in Vitebsk Oblast, 27.8% in Gomel Oblast, 27.1% in Grodno Oblast, 26% in Minsk Oblast, 30.5% in Mogilev Oblast, and 24.7% in the city of Minsk. БЕЛТА
6 September 2012
MINSK, 6 September (BelTA) – Belarus has received a UNESCO certificate on the inclusion of West Polesie Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (Belarus/Poland/Ukraine) into the World Network of Biosphere Reserves, BelTA learnt from consultant of the land and landscape section of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus Tatiana Trafimovich. The certificate was solemnly presented at the conference on protection and sustainable development of Polesie in Poland on 5...
28 August 2012
MINSK, 28 August (BelTA) – Belarus and Azerbaijan are rapidly developing mutually beneficial manufacturing cooperation, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Azerbaijan Nikolai Patskevich told BelTA in an interview. The diplomat said that during the visit of Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev to Minsk on 28-29 August the sides will discuss a wide range of bilateral cooperation matters such as interaction in the international arena and the development of economic ties....
27 August 2012
MINSK, 27 August (BelTA) – Belarus and Azerbaijan are expanding industrial cooperation in machine building, First Deputy Premier of Belarus Vladimir Semashko and First Deputy Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Yaqub Eyyubov said following the session of the Belarus-Azerbaijan intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation on 27 August, BelTA has learnt. On 27 August the Azerbaijani delegation is set to visit Amkodor and sign a protocol of cooperation between this Belarusian...
23 August 2012
MINSK, 23 August (BelTA) – A campaign period has started in Belarus on 23 August, BelTA learnt from Secretary of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Belarus Nikolai Lozovik. According to Nikolai Lozovik, some parliamentary candidates received registration certificates a day before, although in line with the election calendar, district election commissions can issue these certificates within two days after the registration. “Parliamentary candidates who received registration...
10 August 2012
KOSTYUKOVICHI, 10 August (BelTA) - President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko invited China to start joint manufacture of steel concrete at Belarusian Cement Plant. The head of state is visiting the enterprise on 10 August. “By the new year we need to have a business plan: either ours or the joint one with China for the production of steel concrete,” said Alexander Lukashenko. He ordered to do careful estimates and make final decision about the new production. “The goal is to...