Beshenkovichi Regional Executive Committee

Address: 13, Chuklaya Street,
Beshenkovichi, 211361

8 (02131) 6-42-45


Republic Archive

13 April 2011
MINSK, 13 April (BelTA) – The case of the terrorist attack in Minsk’s metro has been solved. Those guilty of the crime have been arrested, said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at a government session held on 13 April to discuss the progress in investigating the Minsk metro bombing. Alexander Lukashenko said: “The case was solved at 5:00 today. KGB and police needed only one day to carry out a smooth operation at 21:00 yesterday. They apprehended the perpetrators without noise...
11 April 2011
MINSK, 11 April (BelTA) – Equal taxation conditions for the import, production and sale of automobiles in Belarus have been created, representatives of the Belarusian Tax Ministry told BelTA as they commented on decree No 130 of 4 April 2011. The decree amended decree No 546 of 24 November to exempt imported automobiles from VAT and excise duties regardless of the country they are imported from. Earlier the preference was not available for imports from Russia. The VAT taxable base is...
6 April 2011
MINSK, 6 April (BelTA) - In February 2011 Belarus’ domestic debt went up by 4.3% to make up Br9707 billion as of early March, BelTA learnt from the Finance Ministry. The debt guaranteed by the government increased by 5.9% to Br7667.9 billion and accounted for 79% of the total public debt. The debt of the central government shrank by 1.3% to Br2039.1 billion. According to the Finance Ministry, in February the foreign public debt of the Republic of Belarus increased by 0.9% and totaled...
6 April 2011
MINSK, 6 April (BelTA) – Over several years Belarus has been taking one of the leading places among the CIS countries in the consumption of potato, meat, milk and eggs, BelTA learnt from Elena Kondratenko, deputy head of the department for statistical data of the National Statistics Committee. The recent years have seen a change in the consumption of particular food products in the country. Thus, according to the preliminary data, in 2010 per capita consumption of vegetables went up by...
6 April 2011
KAMENETS DISTRICT, 6 April (BelTA) – The enlargement of agricultural companies will enhance their efficiency, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said as he visited the Belovezhsky company in Kamenets District on 6 April, BelTA has learnt. Sharing his impressions of what he saw Alexander Lukashenko noted that he is rather cautious about creating large companies like the one he visited. “Our farmers are used to seeing and want to see the company chief every day. However, we have no...
5 April 2011
KOBRIN, 5 April (BelTA) – The frenzied foreign exchange market will calm down after customs duties on automobiles are raised, said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko during his working trip in Brest Oblast on 5 April. “Certainly, the frenzied import of automobiles did a lot of harm to us. There is more than one billion [US dollars] there. Proposals to impose the customs duties now have been voiced. But such a move would affect people. No need to put pressure on our people. We will...