Beshenkovichi Regional Executive Committee

Address: 13, Chuklaya Street,
Beshenkovichi, 211361

8 (02131) 6-42-45


Republic Archive

17 February 2011
VITEBSK, 17 February (BelTA) – Mobile programming may promote cooperation of Belarusian and Indian IT-specialists, BelTA learned from Apoorva Kohli, representative of the Technical Council of the Center of Development of Advanced Computers (CDAC). He is set to visit a regional office of the Belarus-India IT training center, which was established at the Piotr Masherov Vitebsk State University. According to Apoorva Kohli, Belarus' High-Tech Park plays a crucial role in the development of...
17 February 2011
MINSK, 17 February (BelTA) – The Office of the Honorary Consul of Belarus will open in Ljubljana during the Belarus-Slovenia ministerial consultations that will be held in the Slovenian capital on 17-18 February, Andrei Savinykh, Press Secretary of the Foreign Ministry of Belarus, told a briefing on 17 February, BelTA has learnt. The Belarusian delegation will be led by Head of the European Directorate of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry Alexei Skripko, the Slovenian one by Political...
15 February 2011
MINSK, 15 February (BelTA) – Ukraine is expected to transfer 23,000 tonnes of Azerbaijani oil via the Odessa-Brody oil pipeline for Belarus on a daily basis, BelTA learnt from spokesman for the Belarusian Oil Company Andrei Sinitsa. The start has been given for pumping Azerbaijani oil through the Odessa-Brody oil pipeline for the Mozyr Oil Refinery in the averse direction. BelTA has earlier reported that the MINERVA ASTRA tanker under the Greek flag docked at the Yuzhny seaport in Ukraine...
15 February 2011
MINSK, 15 February (BelTA) – Some 134 companies have been included in the draft privatization plan for 2011-2013, Natalia Zhernosek, Director of the State Property Fund of the State Property Committee of Belarus, told reporters on 15 February, BelTA has learnt. The companies earmarked for privatization include Belorusneft, all the farm machine building plants, including Minsk Tractor Works, Gomselmash, and the Belarusian Steel Works, Planar. These companies are set to go private in 2013....
14 February 2011
MINSK, 14 February (BelTA) – In 2010, Belarus’ foreign trade in goods and services (calculated using the balance of payment method) rose by 21.4% over 2009 to exceed $67 billion, BelTA learnt from the National Statistics Committee. The export rose by 20% to make up over $29.8 billion, the import increased by 22.6% to total $37.2 billion. The trade deficit exceeded $7.4 billion. According to the social and economic development targets for 2010, the foreign trade in goods and services...
10 February 2011
MINSK, 10 February (BelTA) – The increase in prices for energy sources for industrial companies will slow down, Deputy First Minister of Belarus Vladimir Semashko said at a session of the Ministry of Industry on 10 February. “The tariffs on energy were increased 10%-15% on 1 January 2011, but I ask you to be patient. I believe it would be the last increase for the next several years,” he said. In his words, such forecast is based on two key factors. The point is about seventeen...