Beshenkovichi Regional Executive Committee

Address: 13, Chuklaya Street,
Beshenkovichi, 211361

8 (02131) 6-42-45


Republic Archive

21 January 2011
MINSK, 21 January (BelTA) - The choice of the Belarusian people is sacred and undeniable, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said in the inauguration ceremony, BelTA has learnt. The head of state said that when giving the oath of allegiance to the Fatherland and the people, he felt the deep gratitude for the trust and support of citizens, as well as great responsibility for the common destiny. “Voices of millions of honest and faithful people, with whom we stood up to the steepest...
20 January 2011
MOSCOW, 20 January (BelTA) – Russia, if necessary, is ready to provide state support to Belarus in matters of gas deliveries, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said after the talks with the chairman of the Belarusian government Mikhail Myasnikovich in Moscow, BelTA has learnt. “We agreed that, if need be, the Russian side will provide Belarus state support in matters of gas deliveries so that these deliveries are not burdensome for Belarus,” Vladimir Putin said. However, he...
20 January 2011
MINSK, 20 January (BelTA) - The fate of those involved in the organization of the riots on 19 December in Minsk is in their hands, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said in a meeting on some political issues on 20 January, BelTA has learnt. “Regarding the things that they demand from us, I want to say that we are not bloodthirsty. The fate of those the European Union is so vigorously advocating for is solely in their hands,” Alexander Lukashenko said. “Neither security...
19 January 2011
MINSK, 19 January (BelTA) - The inauguration ceremony of newly elected President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko will be held 21 January 2011, BelTA learnt from the presidential press service. The ceremony will be held at the Palace of the Republic and will be followed by a gala concert. The event will be broadcast on all channels of the Belarusian television at 12h50 (Minsk time). БЕЛТА
18 January 2011
MINSK, 18 January (BelTA) – Household bills must not rise by more than $5 per annum, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko told the government session held on 18 January to discuss the development of the Belarusian economy. The President told members of the government: “If something has to change, including unpopular household services, you can go ahead but $5 is all you have”. Alexander Lukashenko said that Belarusians pay much less for housing and community amenities than people...
18 January 2011
MINSK, 18 January (BelTA) - Belarus’ Embassy in Finland will open in 2011. The Council of Ministers adopted a relevant resolution on 17 January, BelTA learnt from the Council of Ministers’ Office. The Embassy will be opened in accordance with paragraph 8 of the regulations on diplomatic missions and consular institutions of the Republic of Belarus and the agreement between Belarus and Finland to establish diplomatic relations of 26 February 1992. БЕЛТА