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5 October 2017
A package of documents on the promotion of entrepreneurship in Belarus will be signed in the near future, Deputy Head of the Belarus President Administration Nikolai Snopkov told BelTA as he met with citizens at the Lyakhovichi District Executive Committee (Brest Oblast). "The decree to develop information and communications technologies (the so-called 'IT decree') will be submitted for signature to the Belarus president in the near future. The whole package of documents on the promotion...
25 September 2017
A concept for the integrated management of the Belarusian state border is supposed to be adopted by May 2018, representatives of the State Border Committee of Belarus told BelTA. The first session of the working group in charge of putting together the concept took place at premises of the State Border Committee of Belarus the day before. Experts of the Belarusian border service and the customs service discussed organizational aspects and practical aspects of joint work on the project....
8 September 2017
Belarus expects a record high colza harvest this year, Agriculture and Food Minister Leonid Zayats said in an interview to Belarus One TV channel, BelTA has learned. According to the minister, 2017 was a difficult year for the agrarians due to unfavorable weather conditions. At the same time, this year's harvest is higher than the previous one. "It is true both about grain and colza. This year we expect a record high crop of colza," he stressed. Some 260,000 tonnes of colza was...
31 August 2017
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko presented state awards to the best workers of education on 29 August, BelTA has learned. Thirty-seven teachers from various regions of Belarus received state awards and honorary titles in recognition of the many-year productive work, a big personal contribution to the development of the education system, training and upbringing of the younger generation, organization of recuperation for children, training of teachers and highly qualified...
24 August 2017
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko will take part in the Nationwide Conference on Teaching on 24 August, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader. The event will take place in the form of an open discussion. Partaking in it will be over 800 people, including high-ranking officials, heads of government bodies and local authorities, MPs, workers of educational institutions from all regions of Belarus and the city of Minsk. In an open mic format, they will share...
24 July 2017
The Belarusian Red Cross Society will host its sixth international school on preparedness for emergencies on 25-30 July, BelTA learned from the Belarus Red Cross. Attending the school will be 120 people from ten countries such as Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Bulgaria, Latvia, Norway, Estonia, Qatar, and Belarus. Among the invitees are experts from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The training will be held at the institute of...