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19 April 2017
During the TIBO 2017 official opening ceremony, Belarus First Deputy Prime Minister Vasily Matyushevsky read out a message of greetings from Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko to the visitors and participants of the 24th edition of the international forum on telecommunications, information and banking technologies TIBO 2017. "The event has grown large-scale in recent years. Certainly, TIBO in Belarus enjoys a well-deserved reputation among companies and our colleagues in the EAEU....
12 April 2017
Belarus will launch the 5G technology in a timely manner, Belarusian Communications and Informatization Minister Sergei Popkov said in the BelTA press center on 11 April. "There is a lot of reliable and unreliable information about the 5G technology these days. Currently the standardization process is in progress. Commercial exploitation will start at the turn of 2018-2019. We are exploring the technology in order to introduce it correctly and not to spend much on renewing 4G base...
4 April 2017
A multi-volume edition about the achievements of the Republic of Belarus over the past 25 years will be released in 2018, Belarusian Information Minister Lilia Ananich told reporters as she presented an exhibition to mark the 500th anniversary of the Belarusian book printing at the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly on 3 April, BelTA has learned. The multi-volume project that will sum up what the country has achieved over the years of independence will become one of the...
27 March 2017
A set of measures to guide the development and promotion of ecological tourism in nature conservation areas in Belarus till 2025 has been approved, representatives of the National Tourism Agency told BelTA. The document stipulates the main tasks for all the agencies involved in developing and promoting ecological tourism. In particular, there are plans to create a brand name for every nature conservation area on the list of areas earmarked for ecological tourism development. There are...
20 March 2017
Belarus will remain one of the reliable parties that ensure border security in the region, BelTA learned from Major-General Anatoly Lappo, Chairman of the State Border Committee of Belarus. The relevant statement was made during the conference held in Lviv, Ukraine to discuss border security in action through partnerships between member states of the European Union and Eastern Partnership Initiative participating states. The head of the Belarusian delegation noted that the Belarusian...
10 March 2017
All the jobless Belarusians must get jobs by 1 May. Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko gave the relevant instructions during the government conference held on 9 March to discuss topical aspects of the country's development, BelTA has learned. The head of state said: "As far as people with an antisocial lifestyle are concerned, there are some drunkards and alcoholics, no offense, but they are definitely freeloaders. They must be forced to work. Those, who have lost their jobs due to...