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21 September 2022
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has given instructions to prepare a presidential event to discuss matters concerning the defense of the state. He mentioned it as he met with State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus Aleksandr Volfovich, BelTA has learned.  Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “You have to get together with defense, security, and law enforcement professionals and discuss all the matters. It will happen soon. I received a report from the defense minister yesterday...
20 September 2022
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko received a report from Chairman of the State Customs Committee Vladimir Orlovsky. The operation of the customs service was reviewed, including the replenishment of the state budget and the counteraction of Western sanctions, BelTA has learned.  Aleksandr Lukashenko outlined key items on the agenda at the beginning of the meeting: “What is the situation at the border from your point of view? Naturally from an economic angle first and foremost. How...
19 September 2022
The reinstatement of the lost tradition of celebrating the liberation of western Belarusian lands is a response to the new attempts of the West to divide the Belarusian people, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he addressed the patriotic forum "This is OUR History!" to mark the Day of People's Unity in Minsk on 17 September, BelTA has learned. The head of state stressed that the Day of People's Unity celebrated on 17 September in the historical memory of Belarusians stands...
15 September 2022
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is now seen in the world as the future, as a very influential pole in a multipolar global order, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with SCO Secretary General Zhang Ming in Samarkand on 15 September, BelTA has learned. "Belarus began to cooperate with the SCO 12 years ago. It was not a spontaneous or accidental decision. At that time, the SCO was still a young organization and was just trying to find its place in the world. Today...
14 September 2022
Day of People's Unity is a tribute to the epoch, which gave the Belarusians the right to take their place on the world map, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a ceremony to present state awards in the run-up to Day of People's Unity celebrated in Belarus on 17 September, BelTA has learned. “In the Year of Historical Memory I believe it important to emphasize that 17 September has made its return to our national holiday calendar not only as a reminder of the value of...
13 September 2022
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko outlined the strategic task for civil aviation as he heard out a report on the performance of the country's transport sector amid sanctions on 12 September, BelTA has learned. “Despite the desire of the West to cut us off from the so-called civilized Europe, we continue to fly and maintain a high level of aviation safety. The strategic task is to expand air traffic routes, to enable people to fly for business, leisure, to visit their relatives...