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28 December 2022

Belarus' export to Russia's Orenburg Oblast up 65%

In January-October 2022 Belarus' export to Orenburg Oblast of Russia increased by more than 65% year-on-year. The statistics were voiced at the meeting of the Belarusian part of the working group on cooperation between Belarus and Orenburg Oblast on 28 December, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian embassy in Russia.

Among the most significant events held by the parties in 2022 were a visit of a delegation from Orenburg Oblast to Belarus and its visits to Belarusian enterprises, the opening of a store of products of the Belarusian light industry in Orenburg, supplies of BelAZ haulers worth over $11 million to Orenburg, a visit of Belshina specialists to explore the possibility of expanding tire supplies to the Russian region.

“The participants of the meeting outlined plans for 2023, including the scheduled visit of a delegation from Orenburg Oblast headed by Governor Denis Pasler to Belarus in April 2023 to hold meetings and negotiations at the highest level, to visit industrial and agricultural enterprises of the country,” the press service said.

Among the participants of the meeting were representatives of the Belarusian Embassy in Russia, the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the National Academy of Sciences, Industry Ministry, Agriculture Ministry, Architecture and Construction Ministry, Transport and Communications Ministry, Healthcare Ministry, Sports and Tourism Ministry, Education Ministry, Bellesbumprom, Belneftekhim and Belgospishcheprom.

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