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12 April 2017

Belarus to launch 5G in timely manner

Belarus will launch the 5G technology in a timely manner, Belarusian Communications and Informatization Minister Sergei Popkov said in the BelTA press center on 11 April.

"There is a lot of reliable and unreliable information about the 5G technology these days. Currently the standardization process is in progress. Commercial exploitation will start at the turn of 2018-2019. We are exploring the technology in order to introduce it correctly and not to spend much on renewing 4G base stations. We keep up with the world in implementing this project," Sergei Popkov noted.

The minister clarified that the 5G technology is not meant for common users. "This technology is intended for the Internet of Things. It is designed to collect and transmit big telemetry data and heavy and super heavy content," Sergei Popkov remarked.

According to him, Belarus actively cooperates with Chinese ZTE and Huawei, the world's leading companies in the field of advanced digital technologies.