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22 February 2023

Belarusian FM describes conflict in Ukraine as proxy war between West, Russia

The conflict in Ukraine has become a proxy war between the West and Russia, Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Aleinik said at a meeting of the collegium of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, BelTA has learned.

"The past 2022 turned out to be not just difficult and tense, but a truly turning point both for our country and for the entire Eurasian region, and the world as a whole. The large-scale hot conflict in Ukraine that broke out in early 2022 has, in fact, become a proxy war between Russia and the West. It has exponentially accelerated the aggravation of the international security crisis and further changing of the world order system," Sergei Aleinik emphasized.

According to the minister, the Ukrainian crisis, on the one hand, exacerbated the post-pandemic economic stagnation, continuing to destroy trade ties, financial and logistics chains. On the other hand, it became even more obvious that the war in Ukraine is nothing more than "a continuation of the confrontational policy of the West based primarily on its economic interests, which are based on maximum control over territories and entire nations, the desire to possess all the world's resources."

"We see this not only in our region, but also in the way the West operates in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. Pursuing its plans, the West consolidated forces against Russia and its allies, including our country. It exerts massive pressure on all participants to international relations in order to make them unconditionally support their interests. It does not hesitate to use almost any means: trade restrictions, unilateral illegal sanctions, demonization and dehumanization of all those who try to take an independent position, information warfare, squeezing out of multilateral organizations and formats, and so on," the minister said.

Sergei Aleinik recalled the recent unmotivated unilateral decisions of Poland to restrict border traffic: “These decisions are in complete disregard of international law, which they justify by ‘the rules-based order' that they have invented and apply on a differentiated basis.”