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7 October 2022

Lukashenko: Belarus will not face shortages of goods

There are no shortages of goods in Belarus and there will not be, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he hosted a government meeting on 6 October, BelTA has learned.

 The head of state noted that products in domestic stores should be of good quality, available in a broad assortment and at fair prices. “We do not have and will not have a shortage of goods. I promise this to people. You and other people in charge of prices will face tough punishment if you fail,” the head of state said addressing the officials.

 Aleksandr Lukashenko asked officials in charge to report on the state of things in retail and the situation with consumer prices: “What are the causes of high inflation? What needs to be done to curb price growth and protect people and their incomes? The government and the National Bank should present specific reports listing measures to stabilize prices, especially for Belarusian goods where it is possible to trace the entire price formation chain from raw materials to price tage on the store shelf. How are you going to control prices for imported goods and operation of the retail sector?”

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