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25 November 2022

Lukashenko concerned about biological security, presence of bio labs in CSTO countries

Countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization have to discuss biological security matters. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement at a plenary session of the CSTO Collective Security Council in Yerevan, Armenia on 23 November, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “In the context of the growing relevance of biological security problems we suggest organizing a session of the relevant coordinating council of authorized bodies of the organization's member states in Belarus. I am talking about biological security and about the organization of an appropriate event in Belarus but we have to honestly say something to each other after all. Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin], we often talk about biological labs. I think only Belarus and Russia don't have them but they exist in some CSTO countries. This is why it is necessary to discuss it in Minsk and come to an agreement on the matter somehow because it will be yet another talkfest.”

“Biological security is no joke. We try to persuade each other while American labs or labs of other countries exist in some countries. Just like several labs have been found in Ukraine,” the president added.

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