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6 December 2021

Lukashenko explains his personnel selection principles

 When selecting personnel for government bodies, we should rely on patriotic, strong and proactive people, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said when making new appointments in local administration bodies on 6 December, BelTA informs.

According to the president there was a new feature in the latest appointments – people in uniform occupied different executive positions. “Military people can make a career in the power vertical, and I insist on that. I mean people in uniform: policemen, soldiers, workers of the security service, etc. The main thing is that a person should be a good administrator. This is a priority today,” the Belarusian leader stressed.

He is convinced that good executives, even if they got an appointment in a brand-new field of activity, can work with professional people with good knowledge of the agricultural and manufacturing industries, the services sector, business, entrepreneurship, etc.

“This is my advice for you. You should rely on true, normal, patriotic, strong, proactive people. There should be no indifferent and lazy people among your employees and colleagues,” the head of state said.

According to the head of state, the age of candidates is another criterion for the selection of personnel. First of all, it is necessary to focus on the experience and professionalism of candidates. “We need experienced professionals. You can be an experienced person at the age of 38 or 40,” the president said.

However, taking into account the experience of work of certain executives, the head of state stressed that there should be reasonable balance between executive discipline and exemplary fulfillment of instructions. “You are people with power which was given to you by the president of the country. This is the essence of our meeting today,” he said.

“The first person in the country, the head of state gave you power. Therefore, you should not be voiceless executors,” the Belarusian leader stressed. “Executive discipline is a cornerstone for a leader of any level, for chairpersons of district executive committees, for heads of administrations, for governors, for government members. You should be an example for others.”

The resident explained once again what executive discipline means to him. “We see it when a decision is made after long discussions and numerous objections. You must be able to listen to your employees. When a decision is made (when it was approved by the executive committee, when you single-handedly give an instruction), it must be fulfilled.”

“You will have to address many issues. However, the main thing is that you will occupy a certain unit in our society at the local level, you will work in a certain district. Everything happens there. The state and the president rely on people living there. They are the pillars of our society. I hope you will not mess things us,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. He urged new local executives to be attentive to people, to avoid making tough personnel decisions too quickly. “I believe that a person should always be given a chance,” the president said. “And they must show that they used that chance properly. If they don't, say goodbye to them.”

“The time is very difficult today. I am not speaking only about sanctions, pressure, a hybrid war which was launched against us. This war means that people in mass media, politics, diplomacy, in the economy, in everything are fighting against us,” the head of state said.

It was still possible to avoid hot confrontation, but the opponents of Belarus can find any reason for that, the president is convinced. “There is no hot war today. However, they can come up with something else using refugees, aircraft… A reason can be found. It is does not matter that nothing happened. The aircraft is an example. The commission came and analyzed everything. A year had passed after the arrival of that commission, and they are still not ready to make any statement [this pertains to the ICAO report on the Ryanair flight incident after the visit of the representatives of this international organization to Belarus in August 2021]. They are waiting for some impulses, moments,” the head of state noted.

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