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20 February 2023

Lukashenko explains why Belarus needs people's militia

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko explained why Belarus needs people's militia as he hosted the Security Council meeting, BelTA has learned.

One of the documents submitted for consideration was the draft law "On People's Militia". In order to avoid speculations on this topic, Aleksandr Lukashenko explained: "We have built an effective system of state defense. Its basis is the Armed Forces. It is they who solve the most important defense tasks that require the concentration of all the efforts of the state."

Fight against crime, protection of public order and public security are the domain of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops both in peacetime and in wartime. Territorial troops have been created to ensure the smooth functioning of state bodies and organizations, economic facilities, infrastructure of Belarus in wartime. Other law enforcement agencies also solve the tasks of ensuring the defense of the state,, within the framework of their terms of reference, the Belarusian leader noted.

"But the situation is not easy. I have already said more than once: every man (and not only a man) should know how to handle weapons. At least in order to protect their families, homes, hometowns and, if necessary, the country without which there will be no hometowns, no homes, nothing else. Many people understand this," Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.

The president recalled that earlier he had set the task to the Defense Ministry together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs to work out the issue of creating a people's militia. A bill has been prepared and submitted for consideration to the meeting of the Security Council. As it was reported earlier to the president, the organization of people's militia was tested in practice: one of its main elements was created. This experience will also be the topic of discussion at the meeting of the Security Council, including the strength and actions of people's militia to fulfill the tasks assigned to it.

As it was reported, the head of state has repeatedly stated the need to create territorial defense troops in Belarus to respond to possible challenges and threats. " “Because no one will defend your own house like you do,” he remarked," he said during a conversation with reporters in June 2022.

“We need this militia, a group of people in every rural council. There will not be many of them. Maybe 50 people. But they also need to have their own weapons in storage somewhere. We will draft them for training – they will take their assault rifles (primarily assault rifles, grenade launchers, and pistols) so that they could protect their homes,” Aleksandr Lukashenko explained. If armed hostilities break out, militia units could be converted into a partisan movement, he believes. “Militia can be a reserve for territorial defense,” he supposed.

Speaking about the advisability of creating militia, the president stressed: “It was not a haphazard decision. It all comes from the earth. People should learn how to handle weapons, there is nothing worth with it. Every family will be able to defend their home, their town, their village. It is based on the experience of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and comes from the earth.”

Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin highlighted the importance of militia: “We see that this matter is also very important. Most importantly we have people and weapons for it. Indeed, the number of people protecting our country may increase by several times. It is of great significance in the current situation. The answer to those who invade our land will be adequate.” In his opinion, territorial defense may play the decisive role in an armed conflict. Because armies win battles while nations win wars,” the defense minister said.

People's militia is a new thing for Belarus. It is meant to protect the country, its territory, if needed, State Secretary of the Belarusian Security Council Aleksandr Volfovich told the media. "Of course, we are reinforcing our borders, their protection, we see militarization and increased military activities on the territory of neighboring states today. We see a buildup in the military forces, an increase in the number of exercises, flights of reconnaissance aircraft - and not only from the West, but also from our southern neighbor, Ukraine, once a sisterly nation," the state secretary noted.