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6 February 2023

Lukashenko gives instructions to prepare large-scale meeting with law enforcers

“Today I have signed the decree, prepared by a group of specialists headed by you, on the consideration of the applications from Belarusian citizens abroad regarding their possible violation of the law. This is exactly the issue we discussed the other day. I also looked at the composition [of the commission] and other things. If we did not include anything in the decree, the prosecutor general has enough power to engage the entire state apparatus, civil servants to solve this issue,” the head of state said.

“We should look not only at the so-called opposition in exile. There can be others. They understand very well that we will find them anyway. Some people will apply to the commission and it will sort things out,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The commission also includes people who were among the victims of the committed offenses. The president supported this approach: “Then the public will understand that it is not Lukashenko, Shved or others in power who make decisions. Of course, we need to organize everything and oversee the process. But those who saw what happened, who faced violence or offenses against them should take an active part in the work of the commission, too. The decree has been signed. I only ask you to explain to people once again our every step in detail.”

“The second thing that needs to be emphasized. I have been watching the media over the past week: Tikhanovskaya-Latushko supporters in Lithuania and Poland have really taken leave of their senses. I want people to understand that they are desperate for money today. The West will only finance specific events, more of a radical nature, and not even at the level of 2020. I mean the overthrow, the assassination of the president, officials. And you are not at the bottom of that list (I say this not to scare you, you know it yourself). They want everyone on their way to be removed. The West will finance such projects,” the head of state stressed.

“They are asked questions as to who they are who are behind them? They claim that ‘a million fled Belarus to Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine standing along the perimeter and snapping their teeth like hyenas'. There are no millions there. Some say there are 2,000 of them, some say - up to 4,000. It does not matter how many. By saying this, however, they confirm their determination and capability to commit something here, including terrorist attacks. If the West sees that someone (even a small group of people) is behind them, it will then give them the same amount of money for their existence. They are afraid that some of these people - God forbid, the majority of them - will go back to Belarus, will apply to this commission. Then they will get no money. Because there is no one behind them, behind these offices. Today they are allocated scarce money, and all this money does not reach these 2,000-4,000 people. Never mind, a million people, as they claim. This money ends up in the hands of the bosses in the offices, they divide the money up between themselves. They need money to live on. That is why they are there. What else can they do?” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

“Ukrainians offer them (the military visit them) to go to the front, to fight against Russia. They all speak a lot about the Kalinovsky regiment. There are about 100 fighters in this so-called regiment. Those ‘great colonels and lieutenant colonels' run around shouting that ‘we are setting up a people's liberation army'. There are only 100 fighters in that army, and all of them are fighting near Bakhmut/Artyomovsk. Quite a few people are dying there. I would repeat: they need money to live on. But there are also lunatics there, those who are ready to fight against Russia and come here to fight against the Belarusian people. Well, it is their choice after all. I am saying that we, Andrei Ivanovich, must not drag anyone back here. They started claiming that ‘Lukashenko wants them back to put behind bars'. They will read the decree and see how the commission is going to work,” said the president.

The head of state stressed that the authorities are not going to deprive anyone of their liberty. On the other hand, people who have deserved punishment are unlikely to appeal to the commission. he noted

"If they apply, we'll consider. Everything will be according to the law. But most importantly, we are not dragging anyone here by force. You correctly proposed an application-based principle (over the internet or by mail). We are not going to drag people here by force to imprison them, as they claim, or even to speak to them. This is our goodwill, we have demonstrated it. Please contact us, and we will consider your applications. If you don't want to, stay there. If you want to fight, please go ahead. If you want to sweep the streets, you are welcome. Not everyone can fight; not everyone will be taken to the front. Sweep the streets, wash the dishes. Those who are more prepared will be carrying ammunition for the guns in Poland or Lithuania. It's their choice. We are not forcing anyone or insisting on anything in this regard," the Belarusian leader said.

This principle should be at the heart of the work of the commission, Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized. "Keep me posted. If you need my involvement, please contact me. Some may be pardoned by the president and so on," the head of state added.

"This is a complex issue that we need to focus now along with the work on the genocide case. Of course, the Prosecutor's Office will have a lot of work as they will have to conside applications from our self-exiled citizens who have committed offenses here. This issue needs to be settled. We need a closure," Aleksandr Lukashenko summed up.

For his part, Andrei Shved thanked the president for supporting the proposals that were formalized by the president's decree. "It really was the teamwork of all government bodies. The approaches have been generally defined. As you indicated, we are not going to drag anyone here. People have also realized that they also have guarantees," the prosecutor general said.