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7 October 2024

A new youth leader was elected in Beshenkovichi

At the 12th plenum of the district committee of Belarusian Republican Youth Union, the members of the district committee unanimously elected Elena Babaren, previously a camp counselor of the district Center for Children and Youth, as the first secretary.

Over the past few years, the position of the first secretary of the district committee of Belarusian Republican Youth Union was held by Olga Fieshko, who is leaving this post due to her transition to a new job.

Olga Fieshko reported to the members of the district committee on the work done since the beginning of the current year to develop and popularize the youth movement in the district.

Representatives of educational institutions and the department of ideological work and youth affairs of the district executive committee received gratitude for fruitful cooperation in the implementation of youth projects on this day.
