6 March 2024
How is drill on mobilization readiness going
with the territorial defense authorities of Beshenkovichi district
In accordance with the Plan for the preparation
of territorial defense management bodies and military units of territorial
troops to carry out assigned tasks in the 2023/2024 academic year, from March 4
to 7, drill on mobilization readiness is held with officials of the territorial
defense management bodies of Beshenkovichi district.
Under the leadership of the
first deputy chairman of the district executive committee, Alexei Bukhalovich,
training was held on managing the formation of territorial troops, where
officials of the working group practiced and improved their skills in managing
the formation of territorial troops.
The process of preparing
territorial defense in peacetime must be primarily practical in orientation and
meet modern requirements and the conditions of the actual situation. The level
of training of the territorial defense of Beshenkovichi district enables to
carry out assigned tasks on time and in any situation.
Ilya MIKOLAICHIK, head of the
territorial defense group of the military commissariat of Beshenkovichi and
Shumilino districts.