Beshenkovichi Regional Executive Committee

Address: 13, Chuklaya Street,
Beshenkovichi, 211361

8 (02131) 6-42-45


Main / News / Region /
24 May 2024

Minister of Health of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Khodzhaev paid a working visit to Beshenkovichi

On May 24, the Minister of Health of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Khodzhaev paid a working visit to Beshenkovichi.
Alexander Khodzhaev visited Beshenkovichi central district hospital.
The head of the establishment was accompanied by the head of the main health department of Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee Mikhail Vishnevetsky, the chairman of the department executive committee Galina Unukovich, and the chief physician of the health care institution Svetlana Roshchina. The minister got acquainted with the work of the clinic, dental, therapeutic and surgical departments, talked to medical workers, assessed the pace and quality of the repair work carried out in the hospital. He had a warm and relaxed conversation with the patients, and the latter did not spare words of gratitude to the doctors.
"People really trust doctors, - noted Alexander Khodzhaev. - Therefore, it is very important to do everything to justify this trust".
The minister set the task for specialists to pay more attention to medical examination, vaccination and traumatology. An instruction was given to mandatory inform residents of the region about upcoming visits to the Central District Hospital by highly qualified specialists from the teaching staff of the medical university.
Issues of rational use of hospital beds, quality of medical care and others were also discussed.
In general, the head of the establishment noted that our hospital has created good conditions for the work of doctors and the provision of medical care to residents of the district. He also expressed confidence that the shortcomings identified during the visit, which, by the way, are typical for many health care institutions at the district level, will be eliminated as soon as possible.
During a working visit to Beshenkovichi, Alexander Khodzhaev also got acquainted with the production base of the enterprise "NATIVITA", which is in the process of liquidation. Experts from the country's pharmaceutical industry visited here the day before to determine possible ways to start production process.